Gwenaël Peltier

Teacher in classes préparatoires

Teacher in Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Écoles

MPSI at lycée Alain-Fournier (Bourges, France), Mathematics and Computer Science
The French classes préparatoires are an intensive two-year post-baccalauréat course designed to prepare the best students for entry into the grandes écoles (the most prestigious ones being "École Normale Supérieure" or "École Polytechnique").

Sorbonne Université

Preparation of the "Agrégation" of mathematics, Practice orals
For graduates, 2nd year
Mathématics for scientific studies II, Tutorials
For undergraduate, 1st year
Numerical analysis, Practical work with Python
For undergraduate, 3rd year

Université de Montpellier

Preparation of the "Agrégation" of mathematics, Practice exams and orals
For graduates, 2nd year
Analysis, Tutorials
For undergraduates, 1st year
Elementary probability, Tutorials
For undergraduates, 2nd year
Numerical analysis of ODEs, Practical work with Matlab
For undergraduates, 3rd year
Applied mathematics to chemistry, Tutorials
For undergraduates, 2nd year
Preparation of the "Agrégation" of mathematics, Course-tutorial, exam correction
For graduates, 2nd year
Differential calculus and ODEs, Tutorials
For undergraduates, 3rd year
Numerical analysis of ODEs, Practical work with Matlab
For undergraduates, 3rd year
Applied mathematics to chemistry, Tutorials
For undergraduates, 2nd year
Linear algebra and analysis II, Tutorials
For undergraduates, 1st year
Applied mathematics to chemistry, Tutorials
For undergraduates, 2nd year