2018-2021 : PhD in mathematics (Université de Montpellier)
Subject : Mathematical models in evolutionary ecology. Manuscript (fr)
PhD supervisors : Matthieu Alfaro (IMAG) and Ophélie Ronce (ISEM).
Keywords : reaction-diffusion equations, evolutionary ecology, invasion fronts, nonlocal diffusion.
PhD defended on June, 17th 2021. Rapport de soutenance (fr)
Teaching in mathematics (192h over 3 years)
- Linear algebra and analysis (undergraduate, 1st year)
- Mathématics applied to chemistry (undergraduate, 2nd year)
- Elementary probabilities (undergraduate, 2nd year)
- Differential Calculus and ODEs (undergraduate, 3rd year)
- Numerical analysis of ODEs (undergraduate, 3rd year)
- Preparation of the "Agrégation" (graduate, 2nd year)
Co-responsable du séminaire des Doctorants du laboratoire pendant 1 an.
2017-2018: Master's Degree in applied mathematics, final year
At Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (5th of the year out of 70 students)
Course list (nonexhaustive)
- Reaction-diffusion equations (H. Berestycki)
- Mathematical methods in biology (B. Perthame)
- Statistics and learning (G. Biau)
- Control theory (E. Trélat)
- Methods for inverse problems (P. Moireau, M. Doumic)
- Probabilistic numerical methods (T. Lelièvre)
- Markov processes (I. Kourkova)
Research internship of 5 months at Université de Montpellier, supervised by Matthieu Alfaro.
Subject: Acceleration of invasion in an evolutionary ecological model.
Internship report (fr) / Presentation (fr)
2016-2017: Preparatory year for the Agrégation
The Agrégation is a national, competitive examination in mathematics in France (Master level).
Prepared at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan.
Rank: 51st out of 305 admitted, with option "scientific computing".
2015-2016: Master's Degree in mathematics, first year
At École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, École Polytechnique and Université Paris-Sud (pass 70-80%).
Obtained the "normalien" status by a competitive exam of ENS Cachan (6th out of 11 admitted).
Research internship of 4 months at Université Toulouse III, under the supervision of Grégory Faye.
Subject: Invasion fronts in a reaction-diffusion system.
Internship report (fr) / Presentation (fr)
2012-2015: Master's Degrees in engineering and in mathematics
At École Centrale de Lyon (engineering) and Université Lyon 1 (mathematics).
Course list (nonexhaustive)
- Population and proteins dynamics (T. Lepoutre)
- Numerical methods for PDEs (G. Vial)
- Finite element method (A. Zine)
- Variational methods for PDEs (P. Michel)
- Stochastic processes (E. Mironescu)
- Applied statistics to engineering (C. Helbert)
- High dimensional statistics (L. Jacob)
- Scientific computing (F. Musy)
Research internship of 6 months at McGill University (Montreal) under the supervision of Jean-Chrstophe Nave.
Subject: Numerical analysis of the flow of two non-miscible fluids.
Report is confidential.
TOEFL (Score: 637/677)
2010-2012: "Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles"
At Fénelon-Sainte-Marie (Paris). Option MPSI (mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering)
The French classes préparatoires are an intensive two-year post-baccalauréat
course designed to prepare the best students for entry into the grandes écoles
(the most prestigious ones being "École Normale Supérieure" or "École Polytechnique").